Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Building suitable outdoor saunas for you

Outdoor saunas are convenient and you know, or at least have a pretty good idea, who was in them last. They are relatively easy to build, if you keep your design simple. Outdoor saunas are not that much different from indoors, except that you need a suitable roof to create the finnish sauna-like atmosphere of burning rocks and steam. If your home has an outdoor pool area, it can be used for creating an outdoor sauna by adding a roof and a wood heater. Before you start building an outdoor sauna, it is important to find out if the residential area's municipality allows sauna construction in outdoor areas. An additional advantage of an outdoor sauna building is that you will not have to worry about installing special-purpose insulation for protecting other rooms from steam and humidity. This will, consequently, save a lot of money. Moreover, it is also a good investment in your property.
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